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Sports Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish criteria and eligibility for LSPVA funding for sporting events participation. Upon adoption this policy shall replace and supercede LSPVA Sports Travel Policy 02-97. Qualifying Sporting Event: For a member to receive financial assistance from LSPVA to participate in a sporting event, that sporting event shall be one or more of the following:

  1. A sporting event that National PVA supports and notices in PN magazine, Sports ‘n Spokes magazine, or any other publication.

  2. A sporting event that the LSPVA supports and notices in PN magazine, Sports ‘n Spokes magazine, Outreach newsletter, or any other publication.

  3. A sporting event for which LSPVA provides instruction, tuition, or training to help an athlete qualify for a national sporting event that is supported or sponsored by National PVA, LSPVA or other PVA Chapter.

  4. An event that is supported or sponsored by a veterans service organization that LSPVA members would like to attend. The final determination as to whether the event is a “qualifying sporting event” shall rest with the Board of Directors.

Application for LSPVA Financial Assistance:

  1. A member seeking LSPVA financial assistance to attend a sporting event shall submit his/her request to the LSPVA Chapter office. All requests are to include the following information:

    1. Member’s name

    2. Member’s address

    3. Name of sporting event

    4. Dates of sporting event

    5. Expenses for sporting event (mileage, hotel, meals, and misc.)

    6. A copy of the sporting event’s published announcement, if available, or a description of the sporting event.

  2. To be properly and timely submitted a request must be delivered to the Chapter office or postmarked no sooner than 120 days and not later than 30 days prior to the first day of the sporting event. In addition to submitting a request to the Chapter office, an applicant may also deliver a copy of his/her request directly to LSPVA’s Sports Director.



  1. Eligibility for financial assistance to attend sporting events shall be based upon the point system found within this policy. Financial assistance is limited to 4 sporting events in any single year for one individual.

  2. A member who has never received LSPVA financial assistance to attend a sporting event must first earn 20 points or attend one meeting to be eligible to receive financial assistance to attend 1 sporting event. To be eligible to receive LSPVA financial assistance to attend additional sporting events, a member must first earn 100 points for each sporting event.

Point System

LSPVA members earn sports participation points according to the following schedule by their attendance at or participation in the following activities:


General Membership meeting....15 per meeting

Board of Directors meeting........15 per meeting

Committee meeting....................25 per meeting

Chapter or special event.............10 (each event)

Signing up a new member..........25 (each member)

Volunteering at a VA or clinic*...5 (each day)

Assisting a program director*....25 (each day)

Delivery of adaptive equipment...5 


* members must sign-in at the hospital or clinic’s volunteer registry to receive points. Members must write a report and/or provide documentation for the program director, if requested.


  1. The Sports Director shall maintain records of members’ accumulated  points.

  2. Points shall accumulate annually based upon the Chapter’s fiscal year (October 1 to September 30). Points earned during a fiscal year shall lapse 90 days following the last day of the fiscal year in which they are earned.

  3. Notwithstanding other provisions of the point system, the point system may be waived by the Board of Directors due to an applicant’s illness or for other good cause. All recipients of LSPVA financial assistance shall comply with the requirements of LSPVA Volunteer Policy and procedure manual.

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