The Lone Star Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America received its charter in 1989 covering North Texas from our headquarters located in Garland, Texas. We closely follow the activities in the VA North Texas Health Care System Spinal Cord Center and its surrounding Clinics. Each year we donate equipment or money to meet specific needs for quality care for our SCI veterans.

The Lone Star Chapter is a member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America that was chartered by Congress in 1946. At the time of their charter there were approximately 1,200 members. After World War II and the discovery of penicillin, many spinal-cord injured veterans who had before died within hours or weeks of injury, were being saved. The life expectancy of a SCI veteran, even at the time, was only two years. The veteran faced those years with little or no accessibility to public places, inadequate follow-up health care and almost nonexistent prosthetics equipment. The organization was founded to correct these and many other problems faced by the SCI injured and diseased veteran.​
Paralyzed Veterans of America Service Program provides skilled representation and counseling on Veterans Administration issues to all veterans and their families. Lone Star Chapter Paralyzed Veterans of America also donates prosthetic equipment (wheelchairs, lifts, walkers, etc.) to those who do not meet the Veterans Administration requirements. PVA has more than 50 service offices in the United States.
The major focus of Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America Legislative Program is improved veterans’ benefits and support of the civil rights of all disabled citizens. LSPVA works with Congressional members, their staffs and committees. LSPVA also meets with State Senators and Representatives to ensure maximum independence and opportunities for the disabled.
Promoting and defending the rights of disabled citizens, both veterans and non-veterans, is the mission of Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America Advocacy program. LSPVA strives to remove all barriers and to enforce and improve the legal rights of all disabled peopled including:
Equal access to transportation
Full educational opportunities
Job training
Pension and disability insurance
Accessible housing
Elimination of insensitive attitudes and stereotypes about the disabled
Sports & Recreation
Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America maintains an active sports and recreation program for our members, and the disabled in our area. This program provides tangible health benefits, support, opportunity and camaraderie for all involved. LSPVA provides grants to our members and associate members to participate in a variety of recreational programs.
Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America maintains an active membership base throughout our area. We provide membership opportunity to qualified veterans (full members) and those interested in our programs (associate members). We actively pursue new members, volunteers and supporters.
Paralyzed Veterans of America conducts research studies for a better understanding of spinal cord dysfunction. PVA is one of the largest private supporters of spinal cord research in the United States. Some areas of investigation are: medical and clinical care; psychological adjustment; technology and devices to aid the disabled; and basic research toward a cure for spinal cord injury.
Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America maintains active communication with our membership and the disabled community through a variety of resources. LSPVA hosts an active website that provides service links to a variety of disability resources. We also produce a monthly newsletter, and work with local disability organizations to ensure national and local information regarding disabled issues are provided to our membership.
Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America has various fundraising programs to raise money in support of the programs and services the chapter provides to its membership. Fundraising activities include grant writing, and the generous donors who make contributions to the chapter.
Lone Star Paralyzed Veterans of America is located at 3925 Forest Lane, Garland Texas. This is where we hold our Board of Directors meetings, publish our newsletter, hold social functions, provide free meeting space to other nonprofit groups and carry on the day-to-day operations of the Chapter.
Our Mission
Quality health care for its members and veterans
Ensure its members that they will receive education addressing their spinal cord injury or dysfunction.
Ensure its members get help in securing benefits as a result of their military service.
Ensure its members that their Civil rights and opportunities are met to maximize their independence.
To assist veterans and members in adaptive sports, recreation, and activities at all ability levels.
To enable LSPVA to continue to honor this commitment, we must recruit and retain members who have the experience, energy, dedication and passion necessary to help guide the organization and ensure adequate resources to sustain the programs essential for LSPVA to achieve its mission.
With your generous support, we provide our services free of charge for veterans with spinal cord injury and disease.
The History of PVA